Governance at Crofton House
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors of Crofton House School is a group of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to support the School in fulfilling its purpose and proposition. The Board is supported in its work by several Board committees, occasional task forces, and the CHS Foundation.
- Craig Lindsay, Chair, Board of Governors
- Alison Sinclair Burns
- Abigail Cheung
- Robert Coard, Chair, Advancement Committee
- Kevin Kruk
- Felix Liu
- Georgina MacDonald, Chair, Nominating & Governance
- James MacInnis, Chair, Risk Management Committee
- Tom Matthews
- Todd May, Treasurer Board of Governors and Chair, Finance Committee
- Daphne Meredith, Secretary, Board of Governors
Craig Lindsay, Chair, Board of Governors
Alison Sinclair Burns
Abigail Cheung
Robert Coard, Chair, Advancement Committee
Kevin Kruk
Felix Liu
Georgina MacDonald, Chair, Nominating & Governance
James MacInnis, Chair, Risk Management Committee
Tom Matthews
Todd May, Treasurer Board of Governors and Chair, Finance Committee
Daphne Meredith, Secretary, Board of Governors
Board of Governors Committees and Crofton House School Foundation
The Board of Governors is supported by a number of Board committees and the CHS Foundation. Each of these is made up of a small group of volunteers. All Board committees are chaired by a member of the CHS Board of Governors.
- Advancement Committee
- Finance Committee
- Executive Support Committee
- Nominating and Governance Committee
- Risk Management Committee
- Crofton House School Foundation
Advancement Committee
Finance Committee
Executive Support Committee
Nominating and Governance Committee
Risk Management Committee
Crofton House School Foundation
Volunteering in Governance
Each year, the chair of each committee works with the Chair of the Nomination and Governance Committee to rotate committee membership, creating opportunities for parents and guardians with relevant skills and experience to join a Board committee. Most often, Board members first serve on Board committees before being asked to join the Board of Governors. All Board and committee members sign the Crofton House School Board of Governors Code of Conduct.
On the Board of Governors, there is a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 17 Board members, where a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 of whom are elected by the members of the Society (the parents of the School and Board members). Elected members may serve up to three consecutive three-year terms.
Up to four additional members may be appointed for a one-year term. The Head of the School also sits on the Board of Governors as an ex-officio member.