Prevention of Harassment and Bullying Policy
Version: November 2023
- Foster a safe, caring, and orderly school environment
- Promote students’ physical safety, social connectedness, and inclusiveness
- Describe acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
- Protect students from all forms of bullying, regardless of their gender, race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity
Prevention of Harassment and Bullying and the CHS Student Code of Conduct
The “acceptable behaviour” outlined in the Crofton House School Student Code of Conduct is the foundation for how CHS maintains a safe, caring and orderly environment. The four behaviours, harassment, intimidation, bullying and violent behaviour, described in this policy, would be unacceptable according to the Code of Conduct. This policy gives students a clearer understanding of what is meant when the terms describing these behaviours are used. Also, this policy helps students to understand the difference between bullying and two others, conflict and meanness. All would be considered “unacceptable” in the Code of Conduct; however, bullying would be treated as more serious than conflict or meanness.
The Policy
Students who commit acts of harassment, intimidation, bullying, cyberbullying or violent behaviours will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including, suspension or expulsion from school. Students disciplined for unacceptable behaviour are encouraged to take steps in a guided restorative framework to “put right” or repair the damage caused by their actions or behaviour. All community members are responsible for monitoring, reporting, and addressing harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The School’s commitment is to take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of the policy. Students are encouraged to be courageous and speak up when they see any behaviour negatively impacting a safe, caring, and orderly school environment.
The Importance of Speaking Up
Crofton House School is committed to providing a safe, caring, and orderly school environment that is respectful of everyone. The school teaches social and executive functioning (i.e. self-regulation) skills to serve its students throughout their lives.
If a student has been harassed, intimidated, or bullied or has witnessed such behaviour, she needs to confide in an adult at the School. It is part of her responsibility as a Crofton House School student.
If the School is not aware of an incident, it cannot act. A student is not tattling by contacting an adult; she is, in fact, upholding CHS’s core values and demonstrating courage by appropriately standing up for herself. No one has the right to harass, intimidate or bully another person. It takes courage to be an upstander and to stop such behaviour maturely and responsibly.
Unacceptable Behaviours
Within this policy, there are four types of behaviour which, if found to be taking place, will be addressed as a disciplinary issue:
- Harassment: Any unwelcome or unwanted act or comment that is hurtful, degrading, humiliating, or offensive to another person
- Intimidation: The act of instilling fear in someone as a means of controlling that person
- Bullying: A pattern of repeated aggressive behaviour with negative intent directed from one person to another where there is a power imbalance. Bullying can take many forms: verbal, physical, social, or electronic (cyberbullying). It can focus on disability, sexual orientation, and sexuality, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, or other issues.
- Violent behaviours: Any behaviour by an individual that threatens, harms or injures the individual or others or destroys property.
An Important Distinction Between Conflict, Mean Behaviour and Bullying
It’s important to know the difference between bullying and single acts of aggression or conflict. Not all mean or rude behaviour or conflict is bullying.
Understanding the difference helps when it comes to knowing how to intervene.
Conflict is
A disagreement or difference between peers who have equal power
Conflict is a normal part of child development, including occasionally being mean or rude. Children can do unkind things to others and have no intention to hurt them or get any pleasure from hurting them. Conflict can happen between peers who socialize together and have equal power (size, age, social status). They are equally upset by the conflict and are interested in working toward a restorative resolution, in some cases with adult support.
Conflict would be considered bullying if a student continued an intentional campaign of blame against another. This could include several actions such as name-calling, taunting, or excluding.
Mean behaviour is
Saying or doing something on purpose to hurt someone without consistency
Mean behaviour aims to hurt someone. This includes making fun of someone, using a hurtful name, physically pushing or shoving, taking someone’s belongings, or deliberately excluding someone. Usually, mean things are said impulsively and then often regretted later. Adults responding quickly and firmly can prevent the escalation of these behaviours to bullying.
Bullying is
A persistent pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour that hurts others physically and/or emotionally.
For a situation to be considered a bullying incident, three indicators are usually present:
- Power – individuals who bully acquire their power through physical size and strength, by status within the peer group, and by recruiting the support of the group
- Frequency – bullying is not a random act. It is this factor that brings about the anticipatory terror in the mind of the child being bullied that can be so detrimental and have the most debilitating long-term effects
- Intent to harm – individuals who bully generally do so with the intent to either physically or emotionally harm the other child
A person who shows bullying behaviour says or does something intentionally hurtful to others and they keep doing it, with no sense of regret or remorse – even when it’s obvious that they’ve hurt a person or when they’re asked to stop. Bullying behaviour requires adult intervention at all stages of investigation, intervention and follow up.
Consequences of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, or Violent Behaviour
IfIf a student witnesses harassment, intimidation, bullying or violent behaviour or becomes known to a student through conversation or social media, the student is encouraged to report the conduct to a teacher or the Director of the School. The situation will be thoroughly investigated and an appropriate sanction will be determined.
The Crofton House School Student Code of Conduct describes the procedures related to reporting, investigation, documentation, and communication as well as potential sanctions for unacceptable behaviour. It also outlines mitigating factors which will be considered during the investigation including, but not limited to, a student’s age and maturity.
Harassment and Prevention of Bullying Prevention Order 预防骚扰和欺凌令……………………..….. 3月5日 ,2021
- 营造安全、关爱、有序的学校环境
- 促进学生的人身安全、社会联系和包容性
- 描述可接受和不可接受的行为
- 保护学生免受各种形式的欺凌,无论他们的性别、种族、文化、宗教、性取向或性别认同如何
- 骚扰:对他人造成伤害、有辱人格、侮辱或冒犯他人的任何不受欢迎或不受欢迎的行为或评论
- 恐吓:向某人灌输恐惧作为控制该人的一种手段
- 欺凌:一种反复攻击行为的模式,带有负面意图,从一个人指向另一个人,存在权力的不平衡。欺凌可以采取多种形式:口头、身体、社交或电子(网络欺凌)。它可以关注残疾、性取向、性别认同、种族、民族、宗教或其他问题。
- 暴力行为:个人威胁或实际伤害或伤害个人或他人或破坏财产的任何行为。暴力行为通常始于口头威胁,但随着时间的推移升级为涉及身体伤害。
Crofton House School 致力于提供一个维护每个人安全、尊重关怀和有序的学校环境。学校教授社会和执行(即自我调节)技能,这将使学生终身受益。
如果学生受到骚扰、恐吓或欺凌,或目睹此类行为,她需要向学校的成年人倾诉。这是她作为 Crofton House School 学生的一部分责任。
如果学校不知道事件发生,则无法采取行动。学生联系成年人不是属于八卦;事实上,她是在维护 CHS 的核心价值观,并通过适当为自己站出来展示自身的勇气。任何人都无权骚扰、恐吓或欺负他人,成熟和负责任地制止此类行为需要勇气。
冲突是儿童成长过程中的正常现象,包括偶尔出现刻薄或粗鲁的冲突。 孩子们可能会对他人做出不友善的事情,但他们无意伤害他们,也无意从伤害他们中获得任何乐趣。 一起社交并拥有平等权力(身材、年龄、社会地位)的同龄人之间可能会发生冲突。 他们同样对冲突感到不安,并有兴趣努力寻求恢复性解决方案,在某些情况下需要成人的支持。
如果一名学生继续故意指责另一名学生,则冲突将被视为欺凌行为。 这可能包括辱骂、嘲讽或排斥等多种行为。
判断是否为欺凌,通常存在三个维度 :
- 权力——通过身体大小和力量、在同龄群体中的地位以及通过招募群体的支持来获得权力的个人
- 频率——欺凌不是随机行为。正是这个因素导致了被欺负的孩子心中的预期恐惧,这种恐惧可能是有害的,并且具有弱化人的长期影响
- 意图伤害 - 欺负人的个体通常这样做的目的是在身体或情感上伤害另一个孩子
如果学生目睹欺凌行为,我们鼓励学生向老师或学校主管报告该行为。学校将对这种情况进行彻底调查,并确定适当的制裁措施。 Crofton House 学校行为准则描述了报告、调查、记录和沟通相关的程序,以及对不可接受行为的潜在制裁。它还概述了在调查期间将考虑的缓解因素,包括但不限于学生的年龄和成熟度。