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Student Code of Conduct


Version: November 2023

“We, the community of Crofton House School, believe that everyone should behave in a manner that demonstrates mutual respect and an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of others. We promote a school environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age, as mandated by sections 7 and 8 of the BC Human Rights Code.”

What is a Code of Conduct? 

A "code of conduct" is like a set of rules that are known and important to everyone. The code makes it clear what students will do and not do. When the code guides a community’s behaviour, the School is an orderly place to learn, where everyone feels cared for and safe.


The Crofton House School Student Code of Conduct aims to establish a safe, caring and orderly learning environment in which each individual in the school community feels safe, accepted and respected. In this environment, collective efforts and resources are focused on optimizing learning.    

A safe school – Crofton House School is where every individual feels secure in their well-being, identity, and opinions and where reporting concerns is encouraged.     

A caring school – All Crofton House School community members look out for each other, are open-minded, empathic and inclusive; they strive to establish and maintain positive and healthy relationships.    

An orderly school – Crofton House School is characterized by a climate of mutual respect with an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

To be a Crofton House School community member, a student must demonstrate acceptable behaviour or conduct as described in this Code of Conduct. Those who do not uphold the Code of Conduct will face the consequences.

Acceptable Conduct

Conduct that supports a safe, caring and orderly school is described below and applies to all Crofton House students. There may be more descriptions than those listed below. What is listed provides a range of examples of acceptable conduct. 

All students will

  • Act in a manner that positively represents themselves and the School.
  • Engage in learning and school-related activities in a purposeful and timely manner.
  • Take responsibility for personal behaviour and actions.
  • Demonstrate care of self, others, and the environment.
  • Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others.
  • Help those in need by whatever action(s) is possible.
  • Develop positive, supportive, and empathetic relationships with others.
  • Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of (for example) race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age.
  • Respect differences in people, their backgrounds, experiences, ideas, their opinions, and diverse perspectives, especially when there is disagreement
  • Connect directly with the most appropriate individual at school as required by the circumstances. 
  • If necessary, seek assistance from a school staff member to resolve conflict peacefully.
  • Speak up to someone in authority when you witness or believe that a community member is demonstrating unacceptable behaviour, negatively impacting a safe, caring and/or orderly school. 

Speak Up!

If the School is unaware of a situation or incident, it cannot act. A student is not “tattling” by contacting an adult. Instead, she upholds CHS’s core values of citizenship and courage by appropriately standing up for herself and the School. 

Anytime the School is aware of unacceptable behaviour, the School aims to help the student(s) involved recover and learn. 

Unacceptable Conduct

Conduct that does not support a safe, caring and orderly school are described below and apply to all Crofton House students. There may be more descriptions than those listed below. What is listed provides a range of examples of unacceptable conduct. 

Students must not

  • Act in a way that compromises the safe, caring, and orderly environment at Crofton House School, including the moral tone or the reputation of the School.
  • Act in a way that jeopardizes the physical or emotional safety of oneself or others, including acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, physical violence or violating the Responsible Use of Technology Agreement.
  • Be dishonest (Middle and Senior School students are encouraged to review the Academic Honesty and Integrity Agreement).
  • Commit an act of vandalism.
  • Engage in illegal acts such as possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances, including, amongst others, alcohol, tobacco, vaporizing products (e-cigarettes, vaping devices), possession of weapons, theft or damage to property.
  • Remain silent when someone is doing something that is not right.

Does the CHS Code of Conduct apply to off-campus or online conduct?

When CHS students are not physically at school or directly involved in a school-related activity, and their conduct negatively impacts other members of the CHS community or the School as a whole, the expectations of the Code of Conduct will apply.

Example #1: A student uses a social media account to harass another student. Although happening outside school hours and online, the CHS Code of Conduct will apply to this situation because the harassed student feels unsafe at school. 

Example #2: Students in uniform are observed misbehaving on a transit bus, and this is reported to the School. Although outside of school hours and off-campus, the CHS Code of Conduct will apply to this situation because the students in uniform are representatives of the school, and their conduct may harm the School’s reputation in the broader community.

Actions That Follow a Report of Unacceptable Conduct

The School considers the Code of Conduct central to creating a School environment that is welcoming and safe for students and staff. When a student’s conduct puts the School's safe, caring, or orderly learning environment at risk, the School will investigate, and there may be consequences for the student.  There is a detailed description of how the School will investigate a report of unacceptable conduct and all the factors that will be considered. What follows is what a student will experience when involved in a Code of Conduct investigation.

  • The Code of Conduct makes it clear to me what is and is not acceptable and why this is important in creating the School I want to attend - safe, caring, and orderly. 
  • I will be told as soon as possible of any incident or situation that raises concerns about my conduct. 
  • I will have the opportunity to explain the situation or incident from my point of view before any further actions or decisions are made.  
  • I will know if and when my parents/guardians will be informed or consulted. 
  • Other students or staff may be asked to provide information, and there may be more than one conversation with me and the others involved. 
  • My privacy will be respected as much as possible, with the investigation completed confidently, meaning only those who need to know or be consulted will be informed or included.
  • Knowing I will be anxious about the situation, the investigation will be completed as quickly as possible, and if there is a delay, I will be kept informed.
  • A decision will be made only after the investigation is complete.  
  • If there are consequences for my conduct, this will be explained to me, and I may be allowed to participate in deciding the nature of the consequences; regardless, I will have the chance to ask questions to get a complete understanding. 
  • I will be supported in my efforts to repair the harm caused and recover from my mistake. 
  • The School will keep an accurate and confidential record of the investigation and conclusion.
  • If the consequence removes me from the community for any period, I have the right to appeal the decision if I follow the school's procedure.

“我们Crofton House学校的社区相信,每个人的行为方式都应该表现出相互尊重并理解他人的权利和责任。 我们提倡营造一个没有任何歧视形式的学校环境,包括基于种族、肤色、血统、出生地、宗教、婚姻状况、家庭状况、身体或精神残疾、性别、性取向、性别认同的歧视 或言论或年龄,如《不列颠哥伦比亚省人权法典》第 7 条和第 8 条规定。”


“行为准则”是每个人都知道且重要的规则。 该守则清楚地表明了学生可能做什么和不可或不会做什么。 当准则指导社区行为时,学校就是一个有序的学习场所,每个人都感到受到关心和安全。



Crofton House学校家长/监护人行为准则旨在建立一个安全、关爱和有序的学习环境,让学校社区中的每个人都感到安全、被接受和被尊重。 在这种环境下,集体努力和集中资源优化学生学习和培养支持和参与的家长/监护人社区。

一所安全的学校 – Crofton House 学校是每个人都对自己的福祉、身份和观点感到安全的地方,并且鼓励报告问题。

一所充满关爱的学校——所有 Crofton House School 社区成员都互相照顾、思想开放、富有同理心和包容性; 努力建立并维持积极健康的关系。

Crofton House School 是一所秩序井然的学校,其特点是相互尊重,保持个人和集体的权利、自由和责任之间适当的平衡。

要成为 Crofton House School 社区成员,家长/监护人必须满足本行为准则中所述的行为期望。 不遵守行为准则的人会承担后果,包括被 CHS 社区开除。



支持安全、关爱和有序学校的行为如下所述,适用于所有 Crofton House 学生。 可能还有比下面列出的更多的描述。 所列出的内容提供了一系列可接受的行为示例。


  • 以积极方式代表自己和学校的方式行事。
  • 有目的地、及时地参与学习和学校相关活动。
  • 对个人行为和行动负责。
  • 表现出对自己、他人和环境的关心。
  • 对学校财产和他人的财产表现出适当的爱护和尊重。
  • 通过一切可能的行动帮助有需要的人。
  • 与他人建立积极、支持和同理心的关系。
  • 尊重并公平对待他人,无论(例如)种族、肤色、血统、出生地、宗教、婚姻状况、家庭状况、身体或精神残疾、性别、性取向、性别认同或表达或年龄。
  • 尊重人们的差异、背景、经验、想法、意见和不同观点,尤其是当存在分歧时
  • 根据情况需要,直接与学校最合适的人员联系。
  • 如有必要,请寻求学校工作人员的帮助以和平解决冲突。
  • 当您目睹或认为社区成员表现出不可接受的行为,对安全、关爱和/或有序的学校产生负面影响时,请向权威人士举报。


如果学校不了解情况或事件,则无法采取行动。 学生并不是通过联系成年人来“打小道消息”。 相反,她通过适当地维护自己和学校的利益,维护 CHS 的公民和勇气的核心价值观。




下面描述了不支持影响安全、关爱和有序学校的行为,并适用于所有 Crofton House 学生。 可能还有比下面列出的更多的描述。 所列内容提供了一系列不可接受行为的示例。


  • 做出损害 Crofton House School 安全、关爱和有序环境的行为,包括学校的道德基调或声誉。
  • 做出危害自己或他人身体或情感安全的行为,包括欺凌、骚扰、恐吓、身体暴力或违反《负责任使用技术协议》的行为。
  • 不诚实(鼓励初中生和高中生查看学术诚实和诚信协议)。
  • 进行破坏行为。
  • 参与非法行为,例如持有、使用或分发非法或限制物质,包括但不限于酒精、烟草、汽化产品(电子烟、汽化装置)、持有武器、盗窃或损坏财产。
  • 当有人做不正确的事情时保持沉默。


CHS 行为准则是否适用于校外或在线行为?

当 CHS 学生不在学校或直接参与学校相关活动,但他们的行为对 CHS 社区的其他成员或整个学校产生负面影响时,行为准则的期望将适用于以下情形。

示例#1:一名学生使用社交媒体帐户骚扰另一名学生。 尽管发生在课外时间和网上,但 CHS 行为准则将适用于这种情况,因为受骚扰的学生在学校感到不安全。

示例#2:发现穿着校服的学生在公交车上行为不端,学校收到了报告。 尽管在上课时间之外和校外,CHS 行为准则将适用于这种情况,因为穿校服的学生是学校的代表,她们的行为可能会损害学校在更广泛社区中的声誉。



学校认为《行为准则》对于为学生和教职员工创造一个热情且安全的学校环境至关重要。 当学生的行为使学校安全、关爱或有序的学习环境面临风险时,学校将进行调查,学生可能会承担后果。 详细描述了学校将如何调查不可接受行为的报告以及将考虑的所有因素。 以下是学生在参与行为准则调查时将会经历的情况。


  • 行为准则让我清楚什么是可以接受的,什么是不可以接受的,以及为什么这对于创建我想就读的学校很重要——安全、关爱和有序。
  • 如果发生任何引起我担忧的事件或情况,我将尽快被告知。
  • 在做出任何进一步的行动或决定之前,我将有机会从我的角度解释情况或事件。
  • 我会知道是否以及何时会通知或咨询我的父母/监护人。
  • 其他学生或工作人员可能会被要求提供信息,并且我和其他相关人员可能会进行多次对话。
  • 我的隐私将得到尽可能的尊重,调查将充满信心地完成,这意味着只有那些需要知道或被咨询的人才会被告知或包括在内。
  • 知道我会对情况感到焦虑,调查会尽快完成,如果有延误,会随时通知我。
  • 调查完成后才会做出决定。
  • 如果我的行为产生后果,将会向我解释,并且我可能会被允许参与决定后果的性质; 无论如何,我将有机会提出问题以获得完整的了解。
  • 我将在努力修复所造成的伤害并从错误中恢复过来时得到支持。
  • 学校将对调查和结论进行准确且保密的记录。
  • 如果后果是被要求在某时段内离开社区,如果我遵循学校的程序,我有权对该决定提出上诉。