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Why Crofton House School?

Here, students discover and pursue their own paths, developing the confidence and capacity to thrive and positively influence the world around them. 

For students, joining Crofton House means growing and learning in a safe and joyful environment. It means joining a school with a long history of girl-centred education, and strong values and traditions, and becoming part of a worldwide alumnae network. It means being motivated to strive for your best self, embracing academic challenge and diverse experiences, guided by staff who know you and believe in you. And it means taking with you the knowledge, confidence and lifelong friendships gained here to become an engaged citizen and make a difference in the world. 

“I wanted to go to a school that was well rounded – one that had both academics and athletics. When I came for a tour, I knew this was the place.”

Mariella ’22 | CHS Student

Girl-Centred Education 

  • Here, girls thrive through an enriched curriculum, facilities and programs specifically designed for how girls learn
  • Dynamic and engaged teachers and small class sizes enable a personalized approach to support each girl’s success 
  • Research shows that girls in a girl-centred learning environment do better academically, report higher levels of self-confidence, and are more involved in leadership roles and activities outside of the classroom – all important in preparing girls for life. Learn more about the benefits of girl-centred education

Inspiring Every Girl

  • Our signature program, Ivy Compass, is designed to foster personal growth, leadership and engaged citizenship
  • Countless ways to discover each girl's passions through a wide range of clubs, sports teams, leadership, performance arts and volunteering opportunities
  • Social, emotional, physical and learning supports to promote health and wellness and academic success 
  • Caring and supportive community in which every girl is known and welcomed for life

Unparalleled Campus

  • Beautiful 10-acre campus in the city surrounded by forest, trails and fields
  • Modern, specialized facilities, including a theatre, arts studios, design labs and fitness centre 
  • Learning experiences beyond the classroom through global trips, local excursions and outdoor adventure