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The CHS Experience

Here, girls develop the confidence and capacity to thrive and positively influence the world around them

As an independent school for girls from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 located on a single, connected 10-acre campus, Crofton House is in a unique position to nurture girls’ social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. 

Every student's Crofton House experience is as unique as she is and each day is filled with learning, laughter, discussion, movement and play. Whether it’s eating a healthy lunch together or participating in fun activities throughout the year with teachers, parents, alumnae and the broader community, all girls benefit from a strong sense of belonging. 

There is no ‘typical Crofton House student’ – we provide the resources and support for each girl to discover and pursue her own path.

“We do really awesome things as a community outside of academics, things like sports day, Coffee House and service opportunities. They are a great opportunity to bond with everyone.”

Kristi ’21 | CHS Student 

Zero the Hero visits ECE

“Zero the Hero” visits on the 100th day of school and delivers 100 helium balloons for Kindergarten students to count and enjoy!

Spirit Week

Spirit Week is dedicated to developing community, friendship and fun! Each day has a theme, like wacky hair day, rainbow accessories day or pajama day.

Junior School Assembly

Each week, we gather for Junior (pictured) and Senior School assemblies that bring students together and address issues such as values, community responsibility and citizenship through reading stories or poems, watching videos, performing skits, singing or presenting awards. In the Junior School, parents join assembly once a month.

School Uniform

All Crofton House girls wear our school uniform, which includes the Gordon tartan school tunic or skirt or pants. A shared uniform is a powerful symbol of our inclusive learning environment.

Carol Service

Every year before winter break, the CHS community participates in an 80-year tradition where students, parents, grandparents, alumnae, teachers, staff and friends come together in celebration at the Crofton House Carol Service.