Traffic Safety
Managing traffic safety on the campus and surrounding streets is a major concern for the CHS community and our neighbours. Local streets can be crowded during peak times in the morning and afternoon, and West 41st Avenue is a busy traffic artery. Our goal is to provide safe traffic conditions for everyone and strongly encourage families to consider alternative means of transportation such as walking, cycling, public transit and carpooling.
Provident Security, with the support of our facilities team, supports safe pedestrian crossing at the Blenheim Street gate, controls the traffic entering and exiting the roundabout, and assists at the crosswalks on Balaclava Street and West 41st Avenue. Below are the School’s traffic guidelines as a reminder to parents/guardians, staff and students to keep our traffic areas safe for everyone.
Respectful Neighbour
The School relies on the goodwill of our neighbours. The guidelines below have been developed to instruct parents/guardians on the expected behaviour when dropping off and picking up students, as well as when a school event requires parking on neighbourhood streets:
- Always follow the direction of the facilities team and Provident Security attendants.
- All areas surrounding the school are “Idle-Free Zones”, as posted by the City of Vancouver.
- Observe all traffic and parking regulations.
- Avoid blocking bus lanes, making U-turns, and ignoring pedestrian crosswalks.
- Refrain from blocking lanes or driveway access when parked or waiting for students.
- Do not stop or park on the north side of West 41st Avenue between Dunbar Street and Carnarvon Street from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, as it is restricted.
- Do not use the cul-de-sac on 43rd Avenue (outside of Kerrisdale Annex School) for student pick-up and drop-off.
- Do not park in or use the lot south of Knox Church on Balaclava Street for student pick-up and drop-off, as it is private property and reserved for church use only.
Safe Drop-off and Pick-up
It is important to always follow the direction of the facilities team and Provident Security attendants. They are tasked with ensuring student safety, keeping traffic flowing and assisting drivers in demonstrating respect for our neighbours.
The following pedestrian- and driver-safe behaviour from students, parents/guardians, staff and the larger CHS community will prevent injury and accidents, especially during the busy times of drop-off and pick-up:
- Cross the street only at traffic lights and crosswalks.
- Never assume a driver/pedestrian can see you when crossing the road.
- Make eye contact with drivers/pedestrians before proceeding, especially when weather conditions make visibility difficult.
- Remove headphones and put cell phones away to avoid distraction and be alert to potential danger.
Visitor Parking On Campus
There are a limited number of visitor parking spaces in the Blenheim Street roundabout outside of drop-off and pick-up times. There is no visitor parking on campus during drop-off and pick-up.
Visitor Parking Off Campus
Parents/guardians and visitors may park for up to three hours on streets adjacent to the School. When parking in these areas, please respect the property and needs of our neighbours. As roads are narrow, extra caution is required to ensure traffic circulation is not hindered and driveways remain open.
Student Parking On Campus
A limited number of parking spaces are available in the parkade for Grade 12 students only. Students who absolutely need to drive to school are required to register their vehicles with the Senior School office. The parkade entrance is controlled by keypad entry except for a limited time at the beginning of the day. There is no student drop-off in the school parking garage.
Visitor Protocol
Crofton House School welcomes visitors to the School for school-related purposes. In general, guests of students will be met at the ECE Centre Office, Junior School Office, the Senior School Office, reception in the Old Residence or the Admissions Office. Visitors who are spending time in the presence of students will be supervised at all times. Groups of students who are visiting the School to participate in a school-related activity (curricular or co-curricular) will be supervised at all times by Crofton House School staff or adult supervisors from the visiting school.
Parents/guardians wishing to bring visitors onto campus are required to contact the Admissions Office prior to making any arrangements.