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Code of Conduct

Version: November 2022


“We, the community of Crofton House School, believe that everyone should behave in a manner that demonstrates mutual respect and an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of others. We promote a school environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age, as mandated by sections 7 and 8 of the BC Human Rights Code.”


The Crofton House School Code of Conduct aims to establish a safe, caring and orderly learning environment in which each individual in the school community feels safe, accepted and respected.             

A safe school – Crofton House School communicates clearly, effectively and regularly the Code of Conduct expectations required of all members, makes it easy and safe for an individual to report a concern and is attentive and responsive to behaviour that, in any way, negatively impacts an individual or school climate.    

A caring school – All Crofton House School community members look out for each other, are open-minded, empathic and inclusive; they strive to establish and maintain positive and healthy relationships.    

An orderly school – Crofton House School is characterized by a climate of mutual respect where there is an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

The Crofton House School Code of Conduct establishes behaviours that are acceptable and unacceptable, and, when found to be unacceptable, provides examples of disciplinary actions to address these behaviours. 

All Crofton House School members, including students, parents/guardians and staff are expected to uphold the Code of Conduct at all times - on campus, at school-related activities off-campus, or in other circumstances where engaging in an activity will have an impact on the school environment.                 

Membership in the Crofton House School community is contingent on abiding by these guidelines. Those who do not uphold the Code of Conduct will have their membership reviewed through a disciplinary investigation, and may be required to withdraw before the end of the school year.    

Acceptable Behaviour

Behaviours that support a safe, caring and orderly school are described below and apply to all Crofton House Community Members including students, parents/guardians & staff. These descriptions are meant to provide guidance and are not intended to be exhaustive. 

All members of the Crofton House community will:

  • Act in a manner that positively represents yourself and the School
  • Respect differences in people, their backgrounds, experiences, ideas and their opinions
  • Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of (for example) race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age
  • Respect diverse perspectives, especially when there is disagreement 
  • Develop positive, supportive and empathetic relationships with others
  • Engage in learning and school-related activities in a purposeful and timely manner
  • Take responsibility for personal behaviour and actions
  • Demonstrate care of self, others, and the environment
  • Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others
  • Help those in need by whatever action(s) is possible
  • Connect directly with the most appropriate individual at school as required by the circumstances 
  • Seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully
  • Speak up to a person in authority when you witness or believe that a community member is demonstrating unacceptable behaviour, thereby negatively impacting a safe, caring and/or orderly school

Unacceptable Behaviour

Behaviours that do not support a safe, caring and orderly school are described below and apply to all Crofton House Community Members including students, parents/guardians & staff. These descriptions are meant to provide guidance and are not intended to be exhaustive. 

All members of the Crofton House Community must not:

  • Act in a way that compromises the safe, caring, and orderly environment at Crofton House School including the moral tone or the reputation of the School 
  • Act in a way that jeopardizes one’s personal or others’ physical or emotional safety
  • Engage in acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation or physical violence or in violation of the Responsible Use of Technology Agreement
  • Be dishonest (Middle School and Senior School students are encouraged to review the Academic Honesty and Integrity Agreement)
  • Commit an act of vandalism that causes damage to school property, or property located on the premise of the School
  • Engage in illegal acts such as possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances including, amongst others, alcohol, tobacco, vapourizing products (e-cigarettes, vaping devices), possession of weapons, theft or damage to property
  • Remain silent when a member of the community, student, staff, parent, or volunteer is in violation of the Code of Conduct. 

Consequences for Unacceptable Behaviour

All members of the Crofton House community are responsible for observing both the letter and the spirit of the Code of Conduct. Crofton House School reserves its right to apply a full range of sanctions (listed below) to any offence. Crofton House School takes seriously any breach of the Code of Conduct and its effect on the School’s learning climate, whether on or off school property, face-to-face or electronic. Intention alone to breach the code of conduct may warrant the sanctions below.

In determining whether an offence has been committed or intended, and what sanction(s) should be applied, Crofton House School will employ procedures that:

  • Ensure that any allegation of unacceptable behaviour which is a breach of the Code of Conduct is brought to the attention of the individual or individuals involved, and when that individual is a student, parents/guardians may be involved
  • Ensure that the individual being investigated for a breach of the Code of Conduct has the opportunity to present fully and fairly their version of events and when the individual is a student, parents/guardians may be involved at the discretion of the School;
  • Consider all possible mitigating factors relevant to the situation
  • Ensure that the decisions will be made fairly and impartially given the evidence collected; reflect the severity of the alleged offence, the impact on the individual student(s), and the community as a whole 
  • Engage in restorative measures or strategies with support of the community, if appropriate 
  • Demonstrate discretion including maintaining an appropriate level of confidentiality
  • Document completely and accurately all aspects of the process and decision

Student-Related Concerns 

Reporting and Investigation

The general procedure that Crofton House School will observe to investigate and address any reports of student breaches of the Code of Conduct is as follows:

  1. The teacher who observes or learns of the incident/behaviour will report it as soon as possible to the Director or an Assistant Director of the Junior or Senior Schools. 
  2. The Director or Assistant Director will collaborate with other school administrators in investigating the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct.
  3. As part of the investigation, a student will be provided with an opportunity to explain her conduct, respond to the allegation and be heard concerning the incident/behaviour in question. 
  4. The investigation will include a conversation with all those who are alleged to be involved to determine the degree of involvement, facts and related issues including those that may be mitigating factors. The investigation may also include searching relevant digital content, depending on the nature of the events or situation reported.
  5. The School will document all discussions, interviews and relevant digital content retrieved.
  6. After the initial gathering of information, the students, and parents/guardians, as required, will be informed of the facts as determined during the investigation.
  7. Initial interviews may conclude the process or indicate that further investigation is required.
  8. Based upon a complete investigation, the Director or Assistant Director will consider all factors in determining a decision on whether or not the behaviour was in violation of the Code of Conduct and the most appropriate form of discipline if required. 

Actions following Investigation 

When it is necessary to take action(s), the desired outcome is restorative and, in this light, will as much as possible, include those involved in determining the most appropriate sanction. 

  1. When exercising its discretion to determine the appropriate disciplinary action to apply to an offence, Crofton House School will take into account:
    1. The age of the student and her ability to fully understand the breach of the Code of Conduct,
    2. The intention of the student,
    3. The particular circumstances including mitigating factors,
    4. The nature and severity of the behaviour,
    5. Whether it is a behaviour that has been previously cautioned or disciplined, and
    6. The impact on the school climate, including the impact on students or other individuals in the Crofton House community.

Sanctions / Disciplinary Actions

  1. The range of disciplinary actions that the School will apply to offences includes one or more of the following actions:
    1. Meeting with appropriate person/s such as peers, faculty, counsellor, administrator, parent/guardian(s)police liaison, and/or other third-party support agencies or individuals to review the infraction and establish steps to improve in future,
    2. Requiring a written explanation of the circumstances leading to the infraction, steps the student is taking to address the negative impacts of the infraction, intended and unintended, and an understanding of how the student could have avoided the infraction, 
    3. Where academic dishonesty is at issue, the student may be offered an opportunity to redo a similar assessment, in whole or in part, the recorded grade of the assessment may be reduced according to the portion that was compromised, and/or the student may miss the opportunity to receive feedback on compromised assessment,
    4. Removal from a school activity or special program that may be negatively impacted by her participation,
    5. If responsible use of technology is at issue, be restricted from access to technology (device and/or network),
    6. A requirement to follow a contract, which will include regular follow-up and check-in meetings, or 
    7. A period of time spent in “service” to the school. 
  2. When the behaviour under investigation is found to have a significantly negative impact on the health and safety of others or the reputation of the school, the School may choose to remove the student from the community for a short period of time or permanently.
    1. Probation relates to continued or future enrolment at the school and, when related to behaviour, is utilized after a student has been repeatedly sanctioned for unacceptable behaviour. A student on a probation contract will see in writing the improvement in behaviour that is required by a fixed deadline, as well as the support and monitoring which will be provided by the School. The contract will outline all possible outcomes including, if unsuccessful, the withholding of re-enrolment until the improvement is consistently demonstrated or the requirement of the withdrawal of the student. 
    2. ‘Step-Out’ is a short-term sanction in response to a breach of the Code of Conduct which is significant enough to warrant asking a student to ‘step out’ of the community and understand her membership was put into jeopardy by her unacceptable behaviour. During this time, the student is prohibited from attending school for a period of up to 2 instructional days. The rationale for a short-term removal from school will be discussed with parents/guardians and students before the sanction.
    3. Formal suspension from school is a temporary sanction in response to a significant breach of the Code of Conduct and involves a period of longer than 2 instructional days. The rationale for a suspension, duration of the suspension, restrictions in place during a suspension, and the conditions to return to school will be discussed with parents/guardians and students before the suspension.
    4. Expulsion from school  is permanent and a sanction of last resort. A girl may be expelled for a single act that constitutes a major violation of the Code of Conduct, such as a criminal offence. An expulsion decision is only made by the Head of School in consultation with school administration and, as required, teachers. The Chair of the Board of Governors will be informed of expulsions. An appeal of a decision to expel a student is made to the Independent Schools’ Association of British Columbia (ISABC) Ombudsman. The student will be required to remain away from school pending the outcome of the review.


  1. Communication with the student and parents, as required, will indicate the breach in Crofton House School’s Code of Conduct and the consequences for infractions; not all infractions are brought to the attention of parents/guardians as the School believes students have the capability to navigate such situations independent of parents/guardians. 
  2. Where a number of students are involved in a breach of the Code of Conduct, any written communication from CHS will protect the confidentiality of individual students by sharing only those circumstances relevant to the student. 
  3. When required by law, Crofton House has a responsibility to advise police and/or other agencies of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct. 

Record of Unacceptable Behaviour

  1. The School maintains a record of all Code of Conduct infractions. The record is accessible to School administrators, shared with students and, when required, with parents/guardians. 
  2. Depending on the age of the student, the significance of the infraction, and the sanction, the school, if required by a post-secondary institution, will disclose the following discipline incidents:
    1. Breaches of the Academic Honesty and Integrity Agreement that meet one or more of the following criteria:
      1. A Pattern of Concern: More than three documented incidents occurring anytime between Grade 9 and 12, of which, a minimum of TWO incidents, required parent/guardian involvement.
      2. An Intentional Act by a Mature Learner: A single significant event in either Grade 11 or 12 which resulted in a suspension of any duration.
  3. Unacceptable behaviour resulting in a suspension of greater than 4 instructional days.

Appealing a Disciplinary Decision

The Crofton House School Code of Conduct gives parents and/or students the right to appeal certain disciplinary decisions. The right of appeal applies to decisions that significantly affect the health, education, or welfare of a student. While the determination of whether a decision or failure to make a decision ‘significantly’ affects a student’s education, health or safety is made on a case-by-case basis, the following decisions are always appealable under the formal appeal process: 

  1. Disciplinary suspension of more than four (4) consecutive instructional days;
  2. Decisions that restrict a student from participating in a school-based curricular or co-curricular program; and
  3. Decisions that impact future opportunities in a considerable, measurable or objective manner. 

Appeal Requirements

An appeal is made to the Head of School or ISABC Ombudsman (expulsion only) must be put in writing and received within 7 calendar days from the date the parents and students were informed of the Code of Conduct sanction. 

The appeal must include:

  1. Student’s full name and current Grade;
  2. Parent’s full name;
  3. The name of the school administrator’s whose decision is being appealed;
  4. The decision being appealed and how it affects the education, health or safety of the student in question;
  5. The student’s version of events with a focus on her role/actions/impact;
  6. Supporting documentation, if relevant;
  7. The date you were informed of the decision under appeal; and
  8. An explanation of the remedy/solution being sought.

If there is supporting documentation for the appeal, it must be submitted at the same time as the appeal. Information that comes forward after this date may not be considered. 

Appeal Review 

The Head of School will determine the nature of the review required. 

If the appeal meets one of the three conditions listed above as “always appealable”, a Review Panel consisting of the Head of School and two school administrators who were not part of the original decision will be convened. Other individuals may be included in the Review Panel at the discretion of the Head of School and as required by the situation (for example a counsellor or police liaison). The panel will convene a Review Hearing scheduled within 10 working days of the receipt of the appeal. 

If the appeal does not meet one of the three conditions listed above as “always appealable”, the Head of School will complete an ‘Independent Review’ rather than holding a Review Hearing.

Independent Review

The Head of school will review all the evidence available and consider whether the disciplinary sanction and the process are in line with the Code of Conduct and the procedural fairness principles included in it. The Head of School may, at her discretion, convene all parties involved before rendering a final decision within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal. 

Review Hearing

When a Review Hearing is warranted, parents and students will be provided with a minimum of 5 calendar days notice of the date and time of the hearing to be present for the review. At that time, they will be provided with the nature and expectations of the hearing and who will be in attendance. Where two or more students have been acting in concert and some or all of them are appealing the same decision, the Review Panel may deal with all reviews at the same time. The committee will evaluate key aspects of the investigation and decision including: 

  • Was the evidence of the alleged infraction reasonably well established?
  • Was the alleged infraction adequately and fairly investigated (a timely response, all students were given the right to explain their actions and to respond to allegations, evidence was considered, etc.)?
  • Was the student (age, maturity, her record at the school, degree of cooperation in the investigation, willingness to accept responsibility, efforts to repair negative impact, etc.) taken into consideration?
  • Were there mitigating circumstances and how were they taken into account in the decision?
  • Did the nature, gravity and impacts (realized or potential) of the alleged infraction warrant the sanction?
  • Did the administrator who made the decision to provide to the student and her parents/guardians clear, timely and sufficient information related to the decision and was there an opportunity for both parents and students to seek clarification and support?

Parents/guardians and the student will be notified of the Review Panel’s decision by the Head of School by email within 3 working days of the hearing. Any further appeal must be made to the Independent Schools’ Association of British Columbia (ISABC) Ombudsman. 

Students and/or parents/guardians wishing to appeal the decision of the Head of School must take their request to the Independent Schools’ Association of British Columbia (ISABC) Ombudsman. 

Parent/Guardian-Related Concern 

Reporting and Investigation

The general procedure that Crofton House School will observe to investigate and address any reports of parent/guardian breaches of the Code of Conduct is as follows:

  1. Concerns about the conduct of a parent/guardian as it pertains to the acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in this Code of Conduct should be reported to the Head of School, as soon as possible. 
  2. The Head of School may collaborate with other school administrators in investigating the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct.
  3. As part of the investigation, the parent/guardian will be provided with an opportunity to explain his/her conduct, respond to the allegation and be heard concerning the incident/behaviour in question .
  4. Where other members of the community are involved, the investigation will include a conversation with all those who are alleged to be involved to determine the degree of involvement, facts and related issues.
  5. The School will document all discussions, interviews and relevant digital content.
  6. Based upon a complete investigation, the Head of School will consider all factors in determining a decision on whether or not the behaviour was in violation of the Code of Conduct and any sanctions that will result from the violation

Actions following Investigation 

  1. When it is necessary to take action(s), the desired outcome is restorative and, in this light, will as much as possible include those involved in determining the most appropriate sanction. 
  2. When exercising its discretion to determine the appropriate disciplinary action to apply to an offence, Crofton House School will take into account:
    1. The intention of the parent/guardian
    2. The particular circumstances including mitigating factors
    3. The nature and severity of the behaviour
    4. Whether it is a behaviour that has been previously cautioned or disciplined
    5. The impact on the school climate, including the impact on other individuals in the Crofton House community
    6. The impact on the School’s reputation

Sanctions / Disciplinary Actions

  1. The range of actions that the School will apply to parents/guardians whose behaviour is found to be in breach of the Code includes:
    1. Signed re-commitment to Crofton House School Code of Conduct
    2. Request an individual to receive outside support to address conduct
    3. Participation in mediation with the other individual(s) 
    4. Restricted access to campus and/or online resources such as the school directory
    5. Restricted access to school-related activities or events
    6. Suspension of re-enrollment of their daughter(s)
    7. Legal action initiated by the school


  1. Communication with the parent/guardian will indicate the breach in Crofton House School’s Code of Conduct and the consequences for infractions
  2. Where several parents/guardians are involved in a breach of the Code of Conduct, any written communication from CHS will ensure confidentiality of individual by sharing only those circumstances relevant to the individual who is receiving the written communication
  3. When required by law, Crofton House has a responsibility to advise police and/or other agencies of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct 

Appealing a Disciplinary Decision

Parents/guardians wishing to appeal the decision of the Head of School must take this request to the Independent Schools’ Association of British Columbia (ISABC) Ombudsman. 

Supporting Policies and Agreements

  1. Prevention of Bullying and Harassment Policy
  2. Responsible Use of Technology Agreement
  3. Academic Honesty and Integrity Agreement
  4. Parent-Student Handbook: Junior and Senior School Rights and Responsibilities
  5. Parent-Student Handbook: Attendance Expectations

Staff-Related Concern

Any issue arising from a staff member’s conduct will be addressed according to the Human Resources Policies as articulated in the Crofton House School Employee Handbook. 

Crofton House School Reserves the Right

The School reserves the right to expel a student or end the membership of a family when the continued membership of that student and/or family would not be in the best interests of that student or the School. 

When the behaviour of the student or any member of that family is in breach of the Code of Conduct to a degree that jeopardizes the School’s ability to guarantee the dignity and safety of its students and interferes with learning, or involves conduct that has, or will have, a negative impact on the school climate and/or reputation, the School also reserves the right to expel a student or terminate the membership of a family in the community. In these circumstances, the School will make reasonable efforts to assist the student’s family in securing suitable alternative education arrangements. 


Conduct Crofton House 学校行为准则


 “我们,Crofton House School 社区,相信每个人都应该以一种相互尊重和理解他人权利和责任的方式行事。我们提倡没有任何歧视形式的学校环境,包括基于BC 人权法典第 7 和 8 节规定表述的原住民种族、肤色、血统、原籍地、宗教、婚姻状况、家庭状况、身体或精神残疾、性别、性取向、性别认同的歧视。“


Crofton House 学校行为准则的目的是建立一个安全、关爱和有序的学习环境,让学校社区的每个人都感到安全、被接受和被尊重。                                                           




Crofton House 学校行为准则规定了不可接受的行为,以及对不可接受的行为惩戒。

所有 Crofton House School 成员,包括学生、家长/监护人和工作人员,都应始终遵守行为准则——在校园内、在校外与学校相关的活动,或在参与将对学校环境有影响的活动中。

Crofton House School 社区会员资格取决于是否遵守这些准则,否则将通过纪律调查对其会员资格进行审查,并可能需要在学年结束前退出。



如下是支持安全、关爱和有序学校的行为准则,适用于所有 Crofton House 社区成员,包括学生、家长/监护人和工作人员。这些描述旨在提供指导,并非仅限于此。

所有Crofton House社区成员必须:

  • 以一种为自己和学校带来荣誉的方式行事

  • 尊重他人、以及他人想法和意见的差异性

  • 尊重和公平对待他人,不论(例如)种族、肤色、血统、原籍地、宗教、婚姻状况、家庭状况、身体或精神残疾、性别、性取向、性别认同或表达方式或年龄段

  • 始终以尊严和尊重的态度对待彼此,尤其是在出现分歧时

  • 与他人建立积极、支持和善解人意的关系

  • 有目的及时参与学习和与学校相关的活动

  • 对个人行为和行动负责

  • 表现出对自己、他人和环境的关心

  • 对学校财产和他人的财产表现出适当的关心和尊重

  • 采取适当措施帮助有需要的人

  • 根据具体情况直接与学校最合适的人取得联系

  • 如有必要,寻求学校工作人员的帮助,以和平解决冲突

  • 当您目睹或相信社区成员表现出不可接受的行为,对安全、关爱和/或有序的学校产生负面影响时,向权威人士报告



不可接受行为是不支持安全、关爱和有序学校的行为,如下所述适用于所有 Crofton House 社区成员,包括学生、家长/监护人和工作人员。这些描述旨在提供指导,并非仅限于此。

Crofton House 社区的所有成员不得:

  • 以对学校的道德基调或声誉产生负面影响的方式行事

  • 以对他人身心健康产生负面影响的方式行事

  • 从事欺凌、骚扰、恐吓或身体暴力的行为

  • 不诚实(鼓励小学和中学生阅读学术诚信协议)

  • 进行破坏学校财产或位于学校场地内财产的破坏行为

  • 从事非法行为,例如拥有、使用或分发非法或受限物质,包括酒精、烟草、汽化产品(电子烟、电子烟设备)、拥有武器、盗窃或损害公物

  • 当社区的任何成员、学生、教职员工、家长或志愿者不遵守行为准则时,请保持沉默。



Crofton House 社区所有成员都有责任遵守行为准则。 Crofton House School 保留对任何违法行为实施全方位制裁(如下所列)的权利。

所有Crofton House School社区成员都不能:

  • 以损害 Crofton House School 安全、关爱、有序和负有责任感的环境的方式行事,包括y道德基准或学校社区的声誉

  • 以危及个人或他人身体或情感安全的方式行事

  • 从事欺凌、骚扰、恐吓或身体暴力行为,或违反《负责任地使用技术协议》

  • 不诚实(鼓励初中和中学部学生阅读“学术诚实和诚信协议”)

  • 破坏学校财产或学校场地内财产的破坏行为

  • 从事非法行为,例如拥有、使用或分发非法或受限物质,包括但不限于酒精、烟草、汽化产品(电子烟、电子烟设备)、拥有武器、盗窃或财产损失

  • 当社区成员、学生、工作人员、家长或志愿者违反行为准则时,保持沉默。


Crofton House 社区的所有成员都有责任遵守行为准则的文字和精神。 Crofton House School 保留对任何违法行实施全方位制裁(如下所列)的权利。 Crofton House School 严肃对待任何违反行为准则的行为及其对学校学习氛围的影响,无论是在校内还是校外,面对面或电子方式。请注意,违反行为准则的本意可能同样包括执行以下制裁。


  • 确保任何对违反行为准则的不可接受行为的指控引起所涉个体的注意,如果该个人是学生,则可能涉及家长/监护人;

  • 确保因违​​反行为准则而被调查的个人有机会全面公正地陈述他们对事件的看法,并在重新解释时提供解释,如果该个人是学生,家长/监护人可酌情参与;

  • 考虑与情况相关的所有可能的缓解因素

  • 确保根据收集到的证据公平公正地做出决定; 反映所指控行为的严重性、对个别学生和整个社区的影响

  • 酌情在社区的支持下采取恢复性措施或策略

  • 表现出自由裁量权,包括保持适当的保密水平

  • 完整准确地记录流程和决策的各个方面



报告, 调查

Crofton House School 为调查和处理任何学生违反行为准则的报告将遵守的一般程序如下

  1. 观察或获悉事件/行为的教师将尽快向小学或中学分管校长或助理报告

  2. 分管校长或助理将与其他学校管理人员合作调查涉嫌违反行为准则的行为

  3. 作为调查的一部分,学生将有机会解释她的行为、回应指控并听取有关事件/行为的意见

  4. 调查将包括与所有被指控参与的人进行对话,以确定参与程度、事实和相关问题,包括情有可原的因素

  5. 学校将记录所有讨论和采访

  6. 面谈后,学生和家长/监护人将被告知调查期间确定的事实

  7. 初步面谈可能会结束该过程或表明如果需要进一步调查

  8. 在全面调查的基础上,分管校长或助理将考虑所有因素,以确定该行为是否违反行为准则以及必要时以最适当的纪律形式惩戒。



在行使酌情决定权来确定适当纪律处分时,Crofton House School 将考虑:

  • 学生的年龄和她完全理解违反行为准则的能力

  • 学生的意图

  • 特殊情况

  • 行为的性质和严重程度

  • 是否是先前受到警告或纪律处分的行为

  • 对学校氛围的影响,包括对学生或 Crofton House 社区其他个人的影响


10. 学校对违规行为采取的纪律处分包括以下一项或多项行动:








11. 当发现被调查的行为对他人的健康和安全或学校的声誉产生重大负面影响时,学校可能会选择纪律处分,将学生短期或永久地从社区中除名.

a.留校察看,在学生因不可接受的行为反复受到制裁后使用。留校查看学生 - 行为或行动协议将以书面形式提出固定期限内必须改进的行为,学校将提供支持和监督。协议将概述所有可能的结果,包括如果不成功,暂停续录,直到持续证明行为改善或要求学生退学。在学生、老师和家长/监护人的参与下(可能包括拒绝续录)

b.临时查看- 是针对违反行为准则的短期制裁,其严重程度会要求学生“离开”社区并了解她的学籍因她的不可接受行为而处于危险之中。在此期间,学生不得上学,最多 2 个教学日。在决定之前,将与家长/监护人和学生讨论短期离开学校的理由。

c.正式停学 - 是针对严重违反行为准则的临时制裁,超过 2 个教学日。停学的理由、停学的持续时间、停学期间的限制以及返回学校的条件将在停学前与家长/监护人和学生讨论。

d.开除学校 - 是永久性的,是最终决定。一个女孩可能会因为构成严重违反行为准则的单一行为而被开除,例如刑事犯罪。开除决定仅由校长在与学校行政部门协商后做出,并在必要时与教师协商。董事会主席将被告知开除情况。可以向省独立学校协会 (ISABC) 监察员对开除学生的决定提出上诉。在审查结果出来之前,学生将被要求远离学校。


13.根据需要与学生和家长沟通,将表明违反 Crofton House School 行为准则以及违规后果;并非所有违规行为都会联系家长/监护人,因为学校相信学生有能力独立处理此类情况。

14.如果有多名学生违反了行为准则,则 CHS 的任何书面交流都将通过仅分享与学生相关的情况来保留学生隐私。

15.当法律要求时,Crofton House 有责任就严重违反行为准则的行为向警方和/或其他机构提供建议。



17. 根据学生的年龄、违规的严重程度和处罚,学校在大专院校要求的情况下,将披露以下纪律事件:


  • 关注模式:超过三起记录在案的事件,在 9 到 12 年级之间,其中至少有两起事件需要家长/监护人参与。

  • 成熟学习者的故意行为:在 11 或 12 年级中导致停学的单一重大事件。

b.导致停学超过 4 个教学日的不可接受的行为。



Crofton House 学校行为准则赋予家长和/或学生对某些违纪决定提出上诉的权利。上诉权适用于对学生的健康、教育或福祉有重大影响的决定。虽然决定或未能做出决定是否“显着”影响学生的教育、健康或安全是逐案确定的,但在正式上诉程序中,以下决定始终是可上诉的:

  1. 连续四 (4) 个教学日以上的纪律处分;

  2. 限制学生参加校本课程或课外活动的决定;和

  3. 以可观、可衡量或客观的方式影响未来机会的决策。


向校长或 ISABC 监察员(仅限开除)提出的上诉必须以书面形式提出,并在家长和学生被告知行为准则制裁之日起 7 个日历日内收到。 


  1. 学生的全名和当前年级;

  2. 父母的全名;

  3. 对其决定提出上诉的学校管理人员的姓名;

  4. 被上诉的决定及其如何影响相关学生的教育、健康或安全;

  5. 学生的事件版本,重点是她的角色/行动/影响;

  6. 支持文件(如果相关);

  7. 您被告知上诉决定的日期;和

  8. 对正在寻求的补救措施/解决方案的解释。




如果上诉符合上述“始终可上诉”的三个条件之一,将由校长和两名未参与原始决定的学校行政人员组成的审查小组将被召集。其他个人可能会根据学校校长的判断并根据情况的需要(例如辅导员或警察联络员)包括在审查小组中。专家组将在收到上诉后 10 个工作日内召开复审听证会。



校长将审查所有可用证据,并考虑纪律处分和程序是否符合行为准则和其中包含的程序公平原则。校长可自行决定召集所有相关方,然后在收到上诉后 10 个工作日内做出最终决定。


当需要举行复审听证会时,将至少提前 5 个日历日通知家长和学生出席复审的听证会日期和时间。届时,他们将了解听证会的性质和期望以及出席者。如果两个或两个以上的学生一致行动,并且他们中的一些或全部对同一决定提出上诉,审查小组可能会同时处理所有审查。委员会将评估调查和决定的关键方面,包括

  • 所指控的违规行为的证据是否合理充分?

  • 是否对所指控的违规行为进行了充分和公正的调查(及时回应,所有学生都有权解释他们的行为并回应指控,考虑了证据等)?

  • 是否考虑了学生(年龄、成熟度、她在学校的记录、调查中的合作程度、承担责任的意愿、修复负面影响的努力等)?

  • 是否有减轻处罚的情况?在决定中是如何考虑这些情况的?

  • 被指控的违规行为的性质、严重性和影响(已实现或潜在)是否需要制裁?

  • 决定向学生及其家长/监护人提供与该决定相关的明确、及时和充分的信息的管理人员是否有机会寻求澄清和支持?

  • 家长/监护人和学生将在听证会后的 3 个工作日内通过电子邮件通知审查小组的决定。任何进一步的上诉都必须向不列颠哥伦比亚省独立学校协会 (ISABC) 监察员提出。

  • 希望对校长的决定提出上诉的学生和/或家长/监护人必须向不列颠哥伦比亚省独立学校协会 (ISABC) 监察员提出请求。 




Crofton House School 为调查和处理任何关于家长/监护人违反行为准则的报告而将遵守的一般程序如下:

  1. 家长/监护人的行为与本行为准则中可接受和不可接受的行为有关,应尽快向校长报告。

  2. 校长可以与其他学校管理人员合作调查涉嫌违反行为准则的行为

  3. 作为调查的一部分,家长/监护人将有机会解释他/她的行为、回应指控并听取有关事件/行为的意见

  4. 如果涉及社区的其他成员,调查将包括与所有被指控参与的人进行对话,以确定参与程度、事实和相关问题

  5. 学校将记录所有讨论和采访

  6. 在全面调查的基础上,校长将考虑所有因素来决定该行为是否违反行为准则以及违反行为将导致的任何制裁


  1. 与家长/监护人的沟通将表明CHS学校行为准则中的违规行为以及违规后果

  2. 如果有多名家长/监护人违反行为准则,则 CHS 的任何书面交流将仅分享与个人相关的情况书面交流来确保个人隐私

  3. 当法律要求时,Crofton House 有责任就严重违反行为准则的行为向警方和/或其他机构提供建议




  • 父母/监护人的意图

  • 特殊情况

  • 行为的性质和严重程度

  • 是否是先前受到警告或纪律处分的行为

  • 对学校氛围的影响,包括对 Crofton House 社区其他人的影响

  • 对学校声誉的影响

  • 学校将针对违反准则的行为采取的行动范围包括

  • 签署对CHS学校行为准则的重新承诺

  • 要求个人接受外部支持以解决行为问题

  • 参与与其他人的调解

  • 限制访问校园和/或在线资源,例如学校花名录

  • 限制参加与学校相关的活动或事件

  • 暂停其女儿的重新入学

  • 学校发起的法律行动


希望对校长的决定提出上诉的家长/监护人必须将此请求提交给不列颠哥伦比亚省独立学校协会 (ISABC) 监察员。



员工行为引起的任何问题都将根据 Crofton House 学校员工手册中阐明的人力资源制度解决



