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The School welcomes parent contributions to school life and provides many opportunities for parents to be actively involved in their daughters’ education. Parents are true partners, sharing in the success of the School. 

Volunteer opportunities and social events bring parents together. As the girls become friends through their school experiences, so do the parents. Attendance at events planned by the School and the Parents’ Auxiliary, participation in field trips and lending of expertise all contribute to the rich fabric of Crofton House life. Parents of current students and alumnae play an important role in our inclusive community and work together to provide an exceptional education for Crofton House girls.

The CHS Parents’ Auxiliary 

The Crofton House School Parents’ Auxiliary leads by example. Year after year, the extraordinary dedication and volunteerism of parents make Crofton House a place where girls feel supported, nurtured and inspired to pursue their personal excellence. Through the experience of volunteering with fellow Crofton House families, whether it is for an hour or a day or planning an event, parents demonstrate the true meaning of citizenship to our daughters and model how to contribute, impact and make a difference.

Winter Bazaar

The Crofton House Winter Bazaar is a festival-style family event that features fun activities, food and shopping. Held in November, the Bazaar is the result of months of work by the Parents’ Auxiliary, with the volunteer support of hundreds of parents and students. Proceeds raised are donated to KidSafe, a local organization that provides essential services and programs to vulnerable children during school breaks. 

Welcome Back Event

Held in early September, this event welcomes everyone – parents, students and staff –back to school and in particular welcomes new families to the CHS community! Organized by the Parents' Auxiliary the Welcome Back Event is a fun afternoon of delicious food, fun and games. It's a great chance to catch up with old friends and new after the summer break. 

Whole Girl, Whole World

A joint event organized by the School and the Parents' Auxiliary, the Whole Girl, Whole World speaker series is held in the fall and spring. It provides CHS parents, teachers, girls and the public with the opportunity to hear from internationally renowned experts about complex issues and opportunities facing girls. Speakers are carefully selected in keeping with the school’s philosophy of preparing girls to navigate life with confidence.

Whole Girl, Whole World: Monique Gray Smith

Monique Gray Smith, award-winning Cree, Lakota and Scottish author and speaker, spent a day at Crofton House and filled the campus with reflection and compassion. Monique shared insights from her book 'Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults' with Grade 6 to 12 students, engaged in thought-provoking discussions with the Senior School Book Club and delivered a poignant evening presentation to parents, staff, and alumnae.

Read More about Whole Girl, Whole World: Monique Gray Smith